Good Day All, METO sharing first blog for doing Electro-Technical Officer assessment & ETO-COC application procedure in Kolkata MMD.
Procedure as per 07-JAN-2019,
- Office opens at 1000hrs, be on time well dressed in formals & first thing you have to do is, visit counter in waiting hall which is located at 2nd floor. In counter ask for ETO assessment, Staff there will give you register to write your name also they will provide you ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST & FORM-15.
- Fill the checklist & form-15, the section that you are not sure just leave it blank. In engine section staff will assist you further.
- Make sure your DG profile is updated with recent sea service details, educational qualification, etc., & print your DG profile and keep copy of it with self attested.
- Carry Pen, Photo copy of all documents, folder file, Glue, Photo, Debit/Credit card for making payment.
- Make payment in IMEI FACILATION CENTRE which is next to MMD in same campus, payment is done at BHARATKOSH.GOV.IN website. Mode of payment is through Netbanking, Debit/Credit card. Initially you have to pay INR 3000 for ASSESSMENT. Later when you come for Booking you have to pay INR 4500 for written exam & INR 4500 for oral exam. IMEI staff will charge you additional INR100 for payment acknowledgement slip.
- Kindly go through the ETO ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST
- Make sure your full name is shown in DG printed profile, If not drop mail to take print of dropped mail, self attest it keep ready.
- Carry enough recent photograph. For form-15 photograph size is 3.5cm X 3.5cm, white background, MATT finish.
- Educational Qualification: Carry all educational qualification original certificates & photocopy starting from 10th, 12th, B.E / B.Tech (including all marks card of all semester), Pre Sea Training( ETO certificate).
- Minimum Criteria for appearing for exam is 8 months, Make sure you have neccessary SEA SERVICE TESTIMONIAL & RPSL LETTER issued by the company for desired vessel.
- NOTE: scanned copy of RPSL letter is not accepted carry original letter.
- MEDICAL CERTIFICATE: Candidate must hold valid medical certificate issued by DG approved Doctor. Certificate must contain APPENDIX IV ( medical certificate for sea service) and APPENDIX V ( Sight test certificate). If Candidate is not carrying these two appendix, application will not be accepted. NOTE: medical certificate can be done in Kolkata itself, Visit: Hope foundation hospital, Alipore, BEHELA, KOLKATA, INR 500 for issuing certificate, call before you visit there.
- One more thing is missed out in checklist TAR BOOK, it is mandatory document for assessment.
- Keep all arranged photo copies including checklist & Form-15, Payment Slip in folder file & wait in waiting area untill they call your name. Names are called according to registry entry so be early to office to be the first to get called.
- KOLKATA Assessment has three phases i] Engine Section ii] General section iii] DDG surveyor. Once you are called at engine section all original documents are verified your sea time is verified by them & you are sent to General section. In General section, verification of TAR book & your educational details once it is approved by them with no remarks you are sent to DDG surveyor for final signature. Once signed submit the file in Engine office. If possible remember file number for future reference.
- PLEASE NOTE: ETO assessment is done on every month 2nd week except APRIL since in the month of MAY no exams are conducted but documentation work, COC application is done. Seat booking is done at 1st week of every month except MAY. Exam are conducted 3rd & 4th week of every month except MAY.
- Call MMD before you step for assessment since there is variation in dates.

ADDRESS : MARINE HOUSE, NAPIER ROAD, HASTINGS, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL-700022 Phone: (033)22230238/ (033) 22230236
Fill all details in the checklist & COC application form. Arrange documents as per checklist as shown below,
- COC Application Fees as applicable: 3000INR to be paid on Bharath Kosh website.
- Stick recent Passport Size Photo in Page 8: Take a separate photocopy/print of Page 8 & 9 (PART-III) of Form-29. In Checklist it is mentioned Page 7 & 8 (old), recently DGS have updated Form-29, So page numbering is shifted.
- Write Full Name/Place of Birth/DOB/Signature on Page 9: the print out that you have taken in step/checklist no 2.
- Copy of DGS approved result: Print from your DGS INDOS profile. Login to E-governance, In Dashboard under Seafarer Column, Click on COC and COC Revalidation, Then Click on, Application for Certificate of Competancy (CoC) & print whole page by holding CTRL+P. (It shows both written & oral result).
- Copy of Page No.7 and 8 of Form-29: Take print out of Page 8 & 9 of Form-29.
- Copy of Complete Form No. 29: Login to E-governance, In Dashboard under Seafarer Column, Click on Examination, then Click on, View & Print form-29.
- Copy of INDOS Certificate: If you do not have? you can print from DG site.
- Copy of Passport: First & Last page (copy of additional pages indicating any correction such as change of name/address if any).
- Copy of Valid Medical Fitness Certificate form (DGS Approved Doctor): Annex-IV, Annex-V & Report of Medical Examination of Seafarer (total 3 pages), sufficient for medical certificate.
- One Green Envelope size 10*14 inches: Write Name, grade, Tel No, Mobile No, Email ID, and Address of the Candidate
- Copy of CDC: Complete photocopy of CDC including sea service pages.
- Your Profile in A4 Sheet: Stick 4 photograph side by side in a row with enough space, Write your details which include Name, DOB, Grade, INDOS No, Passport No, CDC No, Contact No, Email ID, Address & Signature.
- High Voltage Certificate (optional): If not provided COC will have limitations.
- EMS card (optional): For Speed post service.
- Photographs (optional): Send spare photographs 4 Nos.
All documents from 3 to 13 must be self-attested & arranged documents as per checklist numbering (Do not shuffle).
Courier all the set of documents (recommended 2 sets of documents in A3 green envelope so if any documents are misplaced there will be backup) to, The Principal Officer, MMD Kolkata.
If your application contains any deficiency or any additional documents is required? You will be notified by mail else your application will be forwarded to DGS, Mumbai through speed post for issuance of COC. You can request EAO, MMD to share the tracking id of the processed application which is sent to DGS, Mumbai.
If you have transferred file from Mumbai/Chennai/Vizag/Delhi/Kochi to Kolkata, Application processing time may differ because of exam result confirmation process from the designated MMD.
Once DGS has received your application you will receive COC with 2 to 3 weeks to your postal address. Track your COC status at DG site: COC STATUS
Entire process may take 3 to 5 weeks. COC Certificate details will be updated to your Master Checker/CoC checker within 7 to 21 working days after delivery of document to your postal address.
Note: In COC status your INDOS/NAME/COC NO/SPEED POST TRACKING ID will be mentioned.
GOOD LUCK, please share your comment.
Hi sir i have sailing experience as an electrical officer on or after 2016 . I have eto certificate that was issued 2021 , so i need tarbook for appearing eto coc examination plase advice me
Hello Nimesh KP
actually, it is not required, but MMD guys keep troubling you to bring TAR else they will put deficiency.
So its better to get the TAR book from IMEI & fill it.
I shared my experience of what I faced in Kolkata MMD not all MMD stories are the same.
If I collect TAR book after that I can fill up my own or I have to sail again to fill TAR book.
Yes, you can but don’t get caught
Plz give me information how to apply for assesment.
Can we apply online without reaching to the MMD.
procedure keeps changing confirm with MMD first
Hi Sir
I do not have 12 month sailing experience in last five years..can you please guide me how to renewed my MEO Class IV COC.
Can I get your contact number or email
Any on know eto coc exam tutor name in kolkata
If you are asking about surveyor who takes coc exam?
Ganguly & Alok Mitra normally conducts coc exam oral.
hello sir can i have your email i am an eto and i need information
Good day .
Im an eto sailing in a tug. If i take coc after completing my sea time . Will this be valid to go for fg ? Will the fg companies consider as eto ?
Hello sir
I am Nadeem Khan sailing as a eto cadet.
I want to know how to apply for assesment is it online or offline. Can i apply online directly with reaching to the MMD.
procedure keeps changing confirm with MMD first
i have 70 months sailing exp since 2003 to 2015. then started working as Elec Supt. till now holding bridging course done in 2015.
can u please guide now how to apply for coc
good day
sir please tell me for all ranks coc preparation coaching college or institutions.
How many days for coc exam?
I am not asking months
Hi good day,
i want to give a ASSESSMENT for ETO exam after 25th of this month .is it possible to give . because i am singing of in 22nd of this month .if i miss i cant appear my exam in April ,need to wait until June. please suggest for the same and any procedure online to give a detailed view.Thanks in advance.
Kindly check with MMD Kolkata.
Confirm the dates for the assessment & book your exams.
i working as a electrical officer since 2011. i complated my bridging cource in 2017. can i apply for coc. oral and writing both?
For you, i think only oral exam is the requirement
Hello , iam working on cruise ship for past 20 years as electrician. From 2014 as chief electrician. But I have only ETR from 2017.
What do I need to do to get ETO. Is there any agency that I can trust to help to get ETO coc