ETO (Electro-Technical Officer) and ETR (Electro-Technical Rating) belong to the engine department and job responsibility is the same but you must know the main difference between these two ranks. Let us discuss what makes these two ranks different?
- The Electro-Technical Rating (ETR) is a rating assisting the Chief Engineer or ETO in performing electrical duties. They are known as Electricians. From 1 Jan 2017, such ratings should hold a certificate of proficiency as ETR issued under STCW Regulation III/7. It is not necessary to apply for a flag state COE (certificate of endorsement) for ratings with a COP (certificate of proficiency) as ETR.

- The Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) is an engineer officer assisting the Chief Engineer or Chief ETO in performing electrical duties. From 2017 it is mandatory for ETO to hold a COC (certificate of competency) issued under STCW Regulation III/6.
- To ETO (Electro-Technical Officer), the candidate has to undergo Pre-Sea training (Bridging course for existing Electrical officers who has sailed before 2017), STCW courses, Later sail as a trainee for 12 months which is required for COC. The requirement for Pre-Sea training may slightly differ from country to country. He/She must have completed a Bachelor degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or Diploma in Electrical/Electronics Engineering.

- Electrician/ETR (Electro-Technical Rating), the candidate who has completed diploma in electrical or worked as Electrician onshore can sail as Electrician onboard ship. Electrician can apply for COP (Certificate of Proficiency) after sailing as Electrical cadet or Assistant Electrician who have completed required sea service. Kindly refer to the procedure & requirement for obtaining COP provided by Marine Department.
- ETO gets a very decent salary scale. In Cargo ship, trainee ETO can expect a salary range from 500USD to 3000USD (depending upon seatime), After obtaining a license (COC) can expect a salary range from 3500USD to 7000USD (max). In Passenger ship, the scale varies from 1500USD to 12000+USD. (Salary in largest cruise ship & also depends upon designation, ETO cadet < 4th ETO < 3rd ETO < 2nd ETO < 1st ETO < Chief ETO).

- Currently, In cargo ships, there is no position called Electrician, Electrician rank is replaced by ETO in most of the ship because the company requires COC holders. But in some flags, COC is not mandatory. But in Passenger ship & Off-Shore Electrician rank still exist. The salary scale of Electricians in the largest passenger ship line varies from 1200USD to 2000USD, Also depends upon designation 3rd Assistant Electrician < 2nd Assistant Electrician < 1st Assistant Electrician.
NOTE: STCW training is mandatory for all seafarer who wants to sail.
- ETO & ETR (Singapore) click here
- ETR (New Zealand) click here
- ETR DG-Shipping (India) click here
- ETR & ETO MCA (UK) click here
- ETR (Philippines) click here
- ETO & ETR (Indonesia) click here
- ETR & ETO (Bahamas) click here
Any suggestion or procedure for applying COC/COP?, Please mail to
Thank you
Thank you for your comment
I am trainee electrical officer any suggestions for trainee eto job sir I am job searching from 1 year
Do you have sponcership or still waiting.
try in V.Ships or Any other company
update your resume in
I’m Rajesh Patkaro I’ study I T I in electrician please help me how get ETR certificate
The major issue is that the marine ETO is discriminated versus marine engineers. The ETO management level (S.E.T.O) was denied at IMO convection blocking the possibility for the E.T.O to cover management position within the engine department. Mechanical and electrical engineer are just different field but absolutely one cannot be subordinated to the other especially nowdays with more and more complex electrical machinery & automation. ETO association’s should join to address this to IMO for revision.
Very true,
Also not mentioned in safe manning.
It seems like IMO is not interested in promoting ETO rank.
I’m electrician searching job any vessel, now im on board flag Tanzania . Experience 12 months.
They can allow as a holder of bachelor science In industrial technology major in electrical to apply as a electrical assistant?
I think yes, because the major work is related to the job description.
Sou eletricista maritmo, eletronico, estudo engenharia eletrica, tenho experiencia em manutenção eletrica, eletronica e anos de eletricista em navios de posicionamento dinamico(DP) gostaria de saber se existe equivalencia para se tornar ETO por tempo de embarque.
Îs only loose.time&moneyETO rank-5 years Maritime University,Bachelor Electrical EngineerMaster Equivalent
Nobody not recognize this like Engineer.Only some Cruise,or LNG companies
How mach salary for ETR
Can I take exam for ETR or any field in electronics/ electrical if I only read books of ET US naval book for etlectronics tecnician ?
Any Indian ETO holding ETO Uk COC please send his contact number
Any Indian ETO holding ETO Uk COC please send his contact number